This was the final week of our Pond study. To cap everything off we learned about dragonflies and damselflies. How are they similar? How are they different? I never knew to even wonder before, but now that I've had to study up on them for this - they are actually fairly fascinating. I learned so much more than I think I even taught the girls!
Learn to make this dragonfly at the bottom of the post. |
Day 1: The Dragonfly
We learned all about the dragonfly today. Here are some of the fun facts that we learned:- Dragonflies are carnivorous - they eat other insects like mosquitoes.
- Dragonflies lay eggs in or around calm waters (like ponds!) The eggs hatch into baby dragonfly larvae called nymphs. Nymphs do not have wings, they live in the water. As the nymph grows it sheds it skin. When the nymph is ready to become a dragonfly it will crawl out of the water and shed its skin one last time, emerging as a dragonfly with wings. The whole process can take anywhere from a few weeks to four years depending on the type of dragonfly.
- Dragonflies have 6 legs, 4 wings, and 3 body segments.
- Dragonflies have 2 sets of wings that are dissimilar in shape.
- Dragonflies usually keep their wings either held out away from their bodies horizontally.
- Dragonfly eyes are set high on their head and close together, almost touching.
- Dragonflies have a stocky body.
- Dragonflies are very poor walkers, they use their legs for landing, not walking. They fly everywhere.
Day 2: The Damselfly
Today we learned about the damselfly. The damselfly and dragonfly are very similar. Here is some facts about the damselfly:
- Damselflies are carnivorous - they eat other insects like mosquitoes.
- Damselflies lay eggs in or around calm waters (like ponds!) The eggs hatch into baby damselfly larvae called nymphs. Nymphs do not have wings, they live in the water. As the nymph grows it sheds it skin. When the nymph is ready to become a damselfly it will crawl out of the water and shed its skin one last time, emerging as a damselfly with wings. The whole process can take anywhere from a few weeks to years depending on the type of damselfly.
- Damselflies have 6 legs, 4 wings, and 3 body segments.
- Damselflies have 2 sets of wings that are similar in shape.
- Damselflies usually keep their wings held together and parallel to their body.
- Damselfly eyes are set on either side of their head and far apart.
- Damselflies have a very thin long body.
- Damselflies are very poor walkers, they use their legs for landing, not walking. They fly everywhere.
Day 3: Difference between a damsel and a dragon
Although the dragonfly and damselfly may appear very similar, and have a lot of similarities, they also have many differences and are easily distinguished from one another. Here is how you differentiate a dragonfly from a damselfly:
- The larvae of each appears similar, however the damselfly larvae are much more slender and have 3 gills at the posterior instead of 2 like a dragonfly nymph.
- The damselfly body is much more slender than a dragonfly.
- The back wings of a dragonfly are shaped differently than the front wings, on a damselfly all 4 wings appear the same.
- A dragonfly holds its wings out horizontal when at rest, but a damselfly will hold the wings together over its back instead.
- The eyes of a dragonfly are on top of its head nearly touching, damselfly eyes are farther apart near the sides of their head.
Make Your Own Dragonfly
What you will need for the craft:
- A towel (it may get wax on it, so make it one you don't like)
- Wax paper
- broken crayons in different colors
- small plate or bowel(s)
- scissors
- iron
- pipe cleaner (1/2 per dragonfly)
- fuzz ball (x1 per dragonfly)
- google eyes (x2 per dragonfly)
- glue
Cut a strip of wax paper (about 3-4 inches long and the whole width of the roll wide), fold it in 1/2 and set it down on the towel. Sprinkle the wax paper with the colored wax shavings in any pattern you like. Try not to make the shavings too thick in any one part.
Once you have created the desired design with the shavings, fold the other half of the wax paper over it.
Cover with the other 1/2 of the towel or a second towel. Again, try to keep the towel as flat as possible.
Set the iron to low or medium (do not use high or you might overcook the dragonfly).
Iron over the towel for a minute (or until you can peek underneath and it appears fully melted together). Allow the wax to cool for several minutes.
Next you draw a pair of dragonfly wings over the wax wherever it appears the "prettiest," then cut them out.
I used only 1/2 a pipe cleaner, but if you make a larger set of wings you can use a whole pipe cleaner.
Fold the pipe cleaner in 1/2 and slide the wings into the pipe cleaner all the way up to where it is bent, then twist it to secure the wings in place.
Continue to twist the the pipe cleaner to the end, but leave the two ends poking out (to mimic a real dragonfly).
Put a generous drop of glue at the top of the pipe cleaner.
Press down the fuzz ball and hold it for several seconds to make sure it will stay in place.
Add 2 small drops of glue to the top of the fuzz ball. Be careful not to move the fuzz ball out of place, it will take a while for the whole thing to dry. If it does fall off, just add more glue and put it back in place. ;)
Add the google eyes on the top of the fuzz ball.
And wallah! You have totally cute dragonflies!
They might have turned out a little cuter if I'd had smaller fuzzballs, or bigger wings? But these were SO ADORABLE! I love them.
So here is our finished pond window collage. I'm going to let it remain up the rest of this week, then next week we'll move on to a different habitat.
In other news, Abbagail is learning about dimes now, and thus counting by 10's. She loves doing real life math - I make these sheets for her with different objects that cost different amounts, then make her budget her money to accomplish a task. Today's was making lunch for everyone. She had to pick which bread, peanut butter, jelly, drinks, and fruit to get everyone. I threw her a few curve balls today by telling her that some of the bread and jelly some people don't like, and that each person wanted a different kind of fruit. Then Mommy and daddy needed lunch on top of her and her sisters, so she had to "re-shop" for more drinks and fruit. Then we counted her change. Fun stuff.
I printed out another month of math for Tahlia and Serenity too - they are reviewing 1-5 and learning 6-10. Serenity already knows them fairly well, but this is Tahlia's first time through. Fun stuff! They are also learning Letter C this week. I'm amazed at how well Tahlia is doing for her first time through the alphabet. This is Serenity's 2nd time through, so she is able to do all the work fairly easily because she already recognizes the letters and mainly is working on just the sounds and writing practice. Their work is so fast and easy.
The mail has been awesome too. All the mail we hadn't gotten for 2 wks has been arriving and Abbagail has been ecstatic about her gifts! I'm always so amazed that everyone gets such great stuff for my kids. I can never figure out what kids really like (even my own!) but everyone else seems to get just the right thing. I'm so clueless. Sigh... To each his own I guess - can't be good at everything.
Special hugs and love to everyone who sent her cards and gifts - thank you for making my baby so happy! You blessed me even more than her, it really has made this month wonderful watching the joy you all brought to her (and her sisters too!)